📖 Slowliving for everyone

En pleno siglo XXI, empezamos a oír términos como longevidad, salud, salud mental, mindfulness, términos que han llegado y nos muestran que estamos preparados para hablar del slowliving después de haber pasado casi 50 años de su nacimiento oficial. Hoy ya tenemos la capacidad de entender cómo funciona este estilo de vida. Y aquí en Prannar queremos que lo explores con nosotros encontrando todos los beneficios para tu vida.

Have you felt that time is going faster? That the hours are not enough for everything you have to do? Or that perhaps you are trying to do everything? Work, study, exercise, socialize, spend time with your family, your partner and enjoy life. But, do you really do some of those 100% of activities or do you not do them as well as you would like?
You are not alone in this process, it happens to many of us. If you identify with this, keep reading, we will talk about a term that will revolutionize the way you live.